
Business premises which include trees within the property, or which have trees potentially affecting them on adjacent property, could pose a risk to employees or other persons using the premises.

Every employer has general duties towards safety including the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. The employer must ensure that as far as reasonably practicable, the workplace is safe and without risks to health, and for the maintenance for means of access and egress to the workplace which is safe and without such risks. Other duties apply to those who are not employees but who are using the property e.g. tenants or others using the property as a place of work.

A business premises also has general duties under the Occupiers Liability Act 1957 & 1984 to minimise the foreseeable risk of harm of trees to others who are entering the premises, with or without permission, for non-work related activity.

Objective Tree Consultancy can undertake tree surveys to identify trees which present an unacceptable risk of harm, and specify risk reduction works to address any issues. We also take the time to understand the operational requirements of the business to ensure that tree maintenance and management is proactively undertaken, so that the business runs smoothly and without tree related conflicts. This can help with and improve the access, maintenance and appearance of the business premises. We tailor our surveys to suit your requirements, but will provide clear, concise and pragmatic advice that leads to cost effective solutions.

Contact us to find out how we can help you.

Email Us 01326 567296